Why You Need To Drive Safely

Why You Need To Drive Safely
Why You Need To Drive Safely

Cyclists are part of the group of road users who are vulnerable. When we ride a bike we must be aware of the safety rules and adhere to elementary safety guidelines.

A cyclist who is in possession of bicycle lanes or a bicycle at his disposal is bound to make use of the lane. On these roads it is the same rule like on the road, i.e. you must be driving in the correct direction at a sensible speed. If you do not have the roads mentioned above, the cyclist could be driving along the road.


The document that demonstrates the ability to drive the bicycle is a bike card or driving license that is of the category AM A1 B1, T, or AM for those under 18 years of age. There is no need for such documents at reaching the age of 18.

A person between 10 and 10 years old, cycling under the control of an adult rides along roads in accordance with pedestrian traffic.

The cyclists as well as other riders must be mindful of the rules of right-of-way. Signifying the intention to carry out the maneuver ahead of time also can have a major impact on safety.

We recommend drivers exercise extreme caution, particularly in a distance that is safe when passing cyclists. This distance cannot be less than one meter.

There are currently no protections for helmets with protective shields or reflective vests within the cycling traffic rules. Be aware that, when we wear a helmet, we safeguard the head – the part of our body which is the most susceptible to injuries. A reflective vest, harness or bands allow drivers drive safely clothing to spot the cyclist, particularly in adverse weather conditions.

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